Financial Advisory
One of the most important decision that a business owner need to make prior to incorporation is the type of business structure. Different business structures will have different business legislation, taxation and administration.
We provide a comprehensive range of end-to-end services related to business formation, from advising on the type of entity to be established to the eventual successful registration of the business.
Depending on your needs, we are able to assist you in the following:
• Registration of companies and Singapore branches
• Provision of nominee director and nominee company secretary
• Provision of registered office address
• Registration of a business firms, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc
• Assisting with government grants and business licences
• Sourcing for office space and accommodation
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Contact Us
FHC Advisory Pte Ltd
Address: 64C Pagoda Street Singapore 059223
Telephone: +65 6225 9039
Fax: +65 6222 7690